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Case Results

  • $84,300,000 Cerebral Palsy
    Andrew Leyvas v. Norma Paragas, M.D. FACTS Andrew Leyvas was born with jaundice. The hospital released him without adequate testing or treatment. His parents sought medical help four days later. His father telephoned Dr. Norma Paragas, a pediatrician who was on call for the child's regular doctor. Andrew's mother called a second time several hours later. Both parents reported that the baby's skin was yellow and he was experiencing difficulty feeding. Dr. Paragas did not request to see the baby ...
  • $63,429,980 Personal Injury
    Our client suffered a catastrophic leg injury in the workplace when a heavy safe fell off a pallet jack onto his left leg. At the time of the incident, our client was assisting another company disassemble a prefabricated modular office and move a large safe from one office to another. An employee from the other company, using a pallet jack, attempted to “catwalk” the safe away from a back wall when the safe fell off the pallet jack onto our client’s left leg, causing our client to sustain a ...
  • $58,539,959 Workplace Negligence
    Our client suffered a severe and permanent brain injury, including extensive fractures of his skull and bleeding in his brain, when a contractor dropped a large tree limb from 20 feet high onto our client’s head. He was instantly rendered unconscious and will endure lifelong consequences including significant cognitive defects, seizures, and more. This monumental win on behalf of our client was awarded the #1 Top Decision for Worker/Workplace Negligence in 2018. Read more in our firm’s blog.
  • $47,500,000 Child Catastrophic Injury
    $47.5 million settlement on behalf of a child who suffered catastrophic injuries when a tree crashed onto his tent in San Mateo County Memorial Park. Read more on our blog.
  • $29,000,000 Amputations & Paraplegia
    Tuiaki v. Adelphia FACTS A 36-year-old lineman, Sifa Tuiaki, suffered catastrophic injuries when he came into contact with a 7,200-volt power line. Tuiaki was working from an elevated workbasket installing a fiber-optic cable system. His co-worker was slowly driving the bucket truck around a turn in the highway, while Tuiaki elevated Tuiaki’s workbasket and the fiber-optic support cable to avoid some redwood trees. In doing so, Tuiaki backed into a power line that contacted the back of his neck ...
  • $24,000,000 Car Crash
  • $20,000,000 Dangerous Exposure
    The hotel owner/operator created a public safety risk by designing and constructing unsafe accommodations that exposed the guest to a deadly virus. The accommodations were negligently maintained further exposing guests to this risk of serious harm and wrongful death. The hotel owner/operator in this case continued to rent accommodations to guests despite knowledge that the accommodations remained infested with vermin. Notably, the hotel owner had notice of an infestation on the premises, but ...
  • $17,800,000 Reporter Electrocuted
    Adrienne Doe v. Parent Corp. FACTS Adrienne Doe, a well-known television reporter in Southern California, was in a news van being driven by her photographer. The van had a telescoping mast with microwave antennae that allowed the reporter to make live video transmissions. The driver parked the van on the driveway of an automotive shop. As a result, the antennae angled toward the power lines as the mast extended up into the sky. Doe was unaware of this dangerous condition and was in the process ...
  • $16,000,000 Personal Injury
    Mowatt v. City of Los Angeles FACTS Mowatt, a 19-year-year old student who was visiting Los Angeles, was crossing an intersection near the Hollywood Bowl. As she neared the crosswalk’s end, she was struck by an SUV. Mowatt sustained severe brain damage, a fractured lower jawbone, broken teeth and facial lacerations. Her brain injuries caused attention and concentration deficits, memory loss, as well as the loss of her senses of taste and smell. LEGAL THEORIES AND STRATEGIES Mowatt sued the ...
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