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Safety Tips for Children Returning to School: A Practical Guide for Parents and Students

back to school safety

As the new school year begins, it's essential to ensure your child's safety is a top priority. Whether they’re heading to school for the first time or returning for another year, these practical tips can help make their school days safer and more enjoyable.

Road Safety

Teach your children to always use crosswalks, look both ways before crossing the street, and obey traffic signals. If they’re biking, ensure they wear a helmet and use bike lanes when available. Remind them to avoid distractions like phones or headphones while walking or biking.

Bus Stop Safety

Arriving at the bus stop early and staying a safe distance from the curb are essential habits. Instruct your child to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and the driver signals it’s safe to board. Remind them to stay seated and keep the aisles clear while the bus is moving.

Classroom Safety

Encourage your child to listen carefully to teachers’ instructions and follow school rules. Remind them to keep their belongings organized to avoid tripping hazards and to report any unsafe situations to a teacher or school staff.

After-School Safety

Whether your child is heading to an after-school program or home alone, establish a routine that includes checking in with you or another trusted adult. Ensure they know basic safety rules, like not opening the door to strangers and knowing how to call 911 in an emergency.

Encourage Open Dialogue

Talk to your child about bullying, peer pressure, and how to seek help if they feel unsafe. Encourage them to speak up about any concerns they may have, whether at school or online.

At Rouda Feder Tietjen & McGuinn, we’re committed to supporting our community in all aspects of life, including keeping our children safe. By following these safety tips, you can help ensure a safe and successful school year for your family.