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John Feder Presented at CAOC Convention in Maui


John Feder presented at the Consumer Attorneys of California convention in Maui on December 1, 2014. The topic was “Ten Keys to Success When Deposing the Defense Medical Examiner.” Mr. Feder’s keys to success include:

  1. Input from your own expert;
  2. Create a plan of attacked based on the defense expert;
  3. Build credibility;
  4. Be professional;
  5. Make a checklist of topics;
  6. Listen, listen, listen;
  7. Get the opinions and the bases of each opinion before the expert’s background information;
  8. Ensure the witness agrees they have testified to all of their opinions they intend to express at trial;
  9. Remember your audience is the jury and/or Judge;
  10. Make cross-examination concise and interesting–avoid the minutia.